Package Sewage Treatment System Case Studies
Case Study on the installation of an environmentally sewage treatment solution consisting of a BMS Blivet WWTP and a Wetland.
Project Overview:
The wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) pre-upgrade only consisted of a settlement tank and a malfunctioning pumped peat bed.
BMS finalised the site design incorporating a a BMS BL3000 Blivet Package Sewage Treatment Plant after the existing settlement tank, the design of a new wetland in the curtilage of the existing peat bed tank, along with new manholes, pipework, a new site shed, fencing, levelling, a new outfall, sampling point and CL804 finish.
The Wetland design was done with Feidhlim Harty from FH Wetlands. Part of the brief was installing an environmentally sustainable long lasting solution.
Project Details:
March 2015
Kildare County Council/Irish Water
Justin O’Doherty, Water Section, Kildare County Council, Devoy Park, Naas, Co. Kildare Ph: 045 980200
To upgrade Ardclough WWTP from a settlement tank and a malfunctioning pumped peat treatment bed to a new environmentally conscious sewage treatment system incorporating a new 250 PE BMS Blivet Package Sewage Treatment Plant, a new wetland & civil works.
€200,000 +
BMS Construction/Installation Details: BMS cleared the whole site in conjunction with our civil’s partner, FIMA Developments. The excavation of the peat bed along with its disposal in a licensed hazourdous material disposal facility, the sealing, earthworks, pipework and planting of wetland plants proved the biggest task. BMS installed a new outfall, a control panel including a GSM Dialout facility, an ultrasonic flowmeter and flume and an ‘all in one’ package treatment plant in the form of a BMS BL3000 Blivet Package Sewage Treatment Plant. The project included new outfall headwalls, the laying of a water main, fencing of the site and a Cl804 finish on the site and on the access road.
BMS Operation/Maintenance Details: BMS maintained the plant until handover, which was three months after practical completion. The plant worked very well from the start achieving very high quality effluent. As the plant was installed during the Winter there was a significant lag time until the wetland began to grow. It is now thriving as can be seen from the pictures above. BMS visits the plant once per year to perform mechanical maintenance.
Final Effluent Standard: BOD 25mg/L, SS 35mg/L, COD 125 mg/l, Total Phosphate (P) 2 mg/l & Orthophosphate (OP) 1 mg/l.
Environmental Friendly Solution: The installation of a BMS Blivet Package Sewage Treatment System in conjunction with a wetland is a leading example of an environmentally friendly sewage treatment system. The Blivet itself is a market leading sewage treatment solution in regards to low power, foot print, construction costs with an expected lifetime of 30+ years. The Wetland is a reliable low energy method to polish the effluent to an excellent standard in a sustainable way, without intensive further mechanical treatment. It also offers a home to wildlife such as frogs, ducks and birds. A common problem with wetlands that do not have a sewage treatment system before them, is that they can quickly become overloaded with solids and BOD. This can also lead to bad odours. The Blivet pre-treats the sewage in an efficient and low impact aerobic way preventing the build of solids and also prevents any odour problems. Indeed, as the Blivet is completely pre-fabricated and the most compact available it can be easily added before an existing wetland. The BMS Blivet combined with a wetland is leading solution for any eco-conscious communities, developers or government authorities and as part of an ‘Eco Village’. BMS can work with you to design a custom solution. Please contact us: info@butlerms.tempurl.host or phone:+353433326100.
Population Equivalent: 250 PE
BMS is a quality manufacturer of package products for wastewater and stormwater treatment. BMS started in 1986 and has exported products to over 50 countries around the world. It is a third generation family business with a lot of expertise in wastewater and stormwater.
BMS manufacture a full range of products for surface water and wastewater treatment including our pioneering next generation RBC system the Aerotor, which forms part of our world leading Blivet package sewage treatment plant, a ‘one stop shop’ for all surface water products from design to installation including attenuation, interceptors, holding tanks (incl. chemical resistant), hydrobrakes, rainwater harvesting tanks/filters & vortex silt/oil/debris separators, fully fitted pumping stations, our plug & play vehicle wash water recycling system; the Recyclone and much more.
Design Services offered by the BMS
BMS have over 35 years’ experience in sewage, wastewater and surface water design
BMS can design your sewage, wastewater or surface water management system for you from the ground up.
BMS can design a customised sewage treatment system specifically for each project. BMS will produce a detailed process description including design calculations and drawings for approval.
BMS can design your full surface water management or SuDS system from first principles.
BMS have invested in specialist software, which produces comprehensive design data. The design will include a full proposal, drawings and design calculations.
BMS can offer advice on sizing/selecting the correct attenuation/infiltration system, petrol/oil interceptor (separator), vortex silt/oil/debris defender, outlet flow controls & storage tanks.
BMS uniquely offer a ‘one stop shop’ from design to installation for our surface water management products.
All products are ISO 9001:2015 Quality manufactured in Ireland and Europe.
BMS offer free Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Seminars on Sewage Treatment and Surface Water Management both virtually or in person.
BMS can design a custom pump station solution for your requirements in GRP/FRP. This can include emergency storage and valve chambers and are normally delivered ‘ready to go’.
BMS can design a vehicle wash water recycling system for you with 100% Recycle and Zero Discharge
See How the BMS Blivet Works
Strombreaker® Test — Load Bearing Demonstration
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